Projects in pipeline

D.O.K. Radlice

Apartment building Dřevák
Apartment building Onyx
Apartment building Krystal

177 residential units will be built in a trendy location near the Radlická metro station. The project will boast a number of firsts, the most important of which is the use of wood in structures, facades and interiors.

Radlický dřevák - vizualizace, nadhled

Housing at Radlicka targets connoisseurs who, in addition to high quality design and superior materials, appreciate the value of technology and innovation. After all, wood is the material of the future, without which it will be difficult to achieve the carbon-free goals of our society.

Modřanský cukrovar

Iconic square

We will soon start selling premium apartments in the very heart of the new district in Modřanský cukrovar. It consists of a spacious square with shops, cafes, services, as well as gourmet restaurants, a spacious fitness center, and a small brewery is also planned. There are up to 5,000 m2 of commercial space here, and if you would like to fulfill your dream of owning your own business, contact us!

River. Unique architecture. Natural resources.
Smart home. Design and comfort.

The entire square will be lined with apartment buildings in an almost passive standard. In them you will find a whole range of smaller investment apartments with layouts of 1+kk or 2+kk, we have set aside the upper floors for generous living from 3+kk to 5+kk with a view of the river, the opposite Chuchli and the old Modřany. The center of the square is decorated with two separate towers of 6 and 10 floors. In the recipe of their facing tiles, you will find recycled bricks - such a discreet reminder of the original sugar factory.

Living on the square maintains a high standard of sustainability and energy efficiency – we are at the top of the PENB and water and energy savings are already a matter of course for us.

The shape of the public square was designed by architects from the renowned Chybik + Krištof studio in collaboration with landscape architect Ferdinand Leffler. In the public space, we can also find works of art that emerged from the ART.Cukrovar competition.

Michelské pekárny

Necelých 600 bytových jednotek připravujeme v klidné lokalitě v Praze 4. Do plánování nového projektu jsme zapojili i ty, kteří znají místní prostředí nejlépe – naše sousedy. Díky dohodě s městskou částí o participaci veřejnosti tak občané mohli ovlivnit projekt ještě dříve, než vůbec začal vznikat, a podílet se na samotném zadání pro architekty. 

Bydlení v klidné části v blízkosti zeleně v Praze Michli cílí na mladé rodiny. Na základě výstupů z veřejné participace bude součástí projektu bohatá občanská vybavenost, dětská a workoutová hřiště, vodní prvky v náměstí a rozsáhlé zelené plochy. 

Bytový projekt je protkán prvky modrozelené infrastruktury, řadou energeticky úsporných technologií: na střechy umístíme fotovoltaické panely pro výrobu vlastní energie, pro předehřev užitkové vody instalujeme fototermické panely, vodu odtékající z koupelen recyklujeme a využijeme pro splachování toalet. Díky retenčním kaskádám zajistíme minimální odtok dešťových vod do kanalizace. 


The new project will be built in the center of Loděnice in the Beroun district. In a location with good transport links to the center of Prague, we respond to the development of prices on the market and strengthen our offer in the segment of more affordable apartments.

On the 1.1 ha plot of land there were farm buildings in the past. Now we would like to offer quality terraced houses in the Skanska Livo style for people who are looking for quiet living on the western border of Prague, with good transport access to its centre.

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  • D.O.K. Radlice
  • Modřanský cukrovar
  • Michelské pekárny
  • Loděnice

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