Emil Kolben district starts the sale of 2nd phase
Located between Rokytka river and metro station Kolbenova and named after one of the most important Czech industrialist, Emil Kolben district is growing in Prague 9. On the land were majority of buildings used to be industrial areas and factory halls, 131 new homes will be built as part of the complete transformation of the neighborhood, where Skanska plans to build 5 phases of the new residential district. Investment cost of the 2nd phase is 313 million SEK.
Smaller flats 1+kk as well as spacious 5+kk can be found in the second phase of Emil Kolben district. The start of its construction is planned at the beginning of 2020 – at the time when the first phase will have been finnished and passed on to clients.
The second phase includes two houses named Hanuš a Jindřich, which carry the names of Emil Kolben´s family members. The bigger building Hanuš named after his son forms an L shape and reaches as high as 14 floors. The smaller building named after the grandson Jindřich includes 7 floors. The expected completion of this phase is the end of 2022.

The outside public spaces play a very important role in the project. Renowned lansdscape architects have been invited to create high-quality public spaces in an unconventional nature. With emphasis on relaxation, a unique park with interactive features for all ages will be built along with navigation system that will help the visitors with orientation. Distinctive columns of Emil Kolben - sculptures that were designed by studio LAND05 together with the artist Matej Hajek will connect all five phases of the project and highlight the industrial past of the whole area.
The district is supposed to resemble Emil Kolben, one of the most important Czech industrialist of 20th centrury and a pioneer of the modern electrical industry in the Czech Republic as well as a supporter of heavy current electrical engineering. It is the field of electrical engineering that is depicted in interiors and exteriors of the area - the garages and other common areas were given a special grafic design highliting the electrical field.

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